Thank you, Barbara and Joe. Great service to the entire community, in and out.
Thank you, Barbara and Joe. Great service to the entire community, in and out.
much of our spring was very cold, intermingled with the occasionally 'extreme' heat.
so far summer [which started this week] is cooler than any i can recall, but extremely wet and high humidity.
the entire house feels like a wet blanket.. the doom-sayer types are constantly remarking how this must mark 'something' if not the end.
Also an Oregonian - Willamette Valley. This has been a very wet year and most of the crops have been ruined or delayed by several weeks. Got to sit on our deck for just one day (Monday) when it got in the low 80s. Then dropped right back down into the gray 60s.
But hey, this is not evidence of global warming - just because the ice caps at the north pole are disappearing and the glaciers of Greenland are dropping off into the ocean at four times the normal volume.
I personally think that Jehovah has singled me out because of my apostate ways. Sorry that the rest of you between the 40 and 48th parallells have to suffer with me. Maybe someday we can all get together and have a pity party.
I would suggest that all of us go into our closets and have a private chat with J-God and beg him to average out some of the temps in the USA. Maybe move 20 degrees F from the USA south toward the north and let us all enjoy some nice 80-90F temps for the next month or so.
And don't forget to ask J-God to send a little of our rain down south as well. We've had enough and the folk along the cotton belt need all they can get.
just got this email...... .
subject: zone report germany date: 5/17/11 2:02:57 am.
we thought we would share one of our interesting experiences with you.
Blondie - you have a PM
only one is a guy...a mini serve .
one is a reg pioneer.... all are actually pretty key to my biz....three have been there over 20 years (ya...i am a great boss!!!).
how much pressure are they going to get to quit working for me???.
I'm sure there are enough members of this forum who would gladly consider jumping in and replacing any of your losses. North Carolina may seem like a foreign country at times, but I'm sure there are enough of us in the Old South who might make the move if they could meet your needs and qualifications.
I agree - get them out as soon as you can - with maybe a few exceptions if you know they are not really "true believers." First sign of any slacking, sabotage, or insubordination, use the axe on them immediately.
only one is a guy...a mini serve .
one is a reg pioneer.... all are actually pretty key to my biz....three have been there over 20 years (ya...i am a great boss!!!).
how much pressure are they going to get to quit working for me???.
I'm sure there are enough members of this forum who would gladly consider jumping in and replacing any of your losses. North Carolina may seem like a foreign country at times, but I'm sure there are enough of us in the Old South who might make the move if they could meet your needs and qualifications.
I agree - get them out as soon as you can - with maybe a few exceptions if you know they are not really "true believers." First sign of any slacking, sabotage, or insubordination, use the axe on them immediately.
does anyone know if these publications are available?
i don't mean "my local kingdom hall", sorry.. - the nations shall know that i am jehovah .
- jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose .
Does anyone know of a list that contains every WT book published by year since Studies in the Scriptures? I have about 50 or 60 PDFs of some of the older books, but wonder which ones I still miss? I figure I will only understand the "real truth" if I read all of the pubs in order from SintheS#1 up to whatever the latest book release was. That way I will get all the new light in its proper order.
i've done no research on this but i suspect that a members belief or absence of belief in god may have some correspondence with the number of posts he or she has made.. my tentative suggestion is that members with fewer than 500 posts are mostly believers while members with more than 3000 posts are mostly non-believers.
of course there are exceptions, maybe quite a few, but i'm only dealing with generalities here.
so how about a survey?
True believer ex-JWs will often post on other forums and then spend their time arguing over the Trinity or JC's divinity or whether creation was 6 days or 42,000 years. I don't have time for any of that so I come here and occasionally the Yuku board.
I'm a strong #3 with leanings to #4 - total atheism.
When I was teenager I often overheard gossip between the sisters. My mom and dad were very active in field service and meetings, but the highest my dad ever achieved was Literature Servant while I was living at home. He became an "elder" much later, after I had moved out.
My mother, I can honestly say, was not a gossip in the classic JW sense. She'd share information she had about the health of some of the older brothers and sisters and would let on when she knew someone at the KH was getting married or having a baby. But that was it for her.
On the other hand, other sisters who were married to the CongServ, AsstCongServ and some others were always blabbing about who was in trouble, why someone was being called on the carpet, who was cheating with whom, etc. At 15 or 16, I heard gossip that would curl your hair - and they never even paid me any mind at all as I just sat there and took it all in.
Yes, the "elderettes" were all the worst gossips. That is how they tried to achieve rank among the sisters - whoever had the most inside information or the juiciest stories "ruled the roost," so to speak.
I often knew who was going to be DF'd or put on probation well before it was ever announced at the Kingdom Hall. Such fun...
the watchtower society hedge fundseveral weeks ago it came to my attention via the e-jehovahs-witnesses discussion board that the watchtower society had devised a new money raising scheme.
the scheme is to beg and borrow money from each individual congregation account, which they deem to be in excess of the congregation's actual expenses.
i half jokingly responded to the topic then that the watchtower has become a hedge fund.
Great article, TJ!
Trying to write about how the Watchtower manages its properties and its cash reserves requires some speculation and calculated implications. Why? Because only a few like Don Adams, President of the Watchtower Corp, actually understand and are involved enough to see the big picture.
Thanks for trying to inform all of us about this new corporate money move.
"Mr. Dillon! Mr. Dillon! You gotta come quick! Doc's laying in the street with an airry clean through his neck!" - Chester Goode